12 Mar 2025


Other Companies Flat-Foto 16-3620 Camera Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: Flat-Foto 16-3620
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update



Other Companies Flat-Foto 16-3620 Driver. I've subitted this mother-fudger 3 times now once under camera devices for ME, once under USB devices for ME, and now (after considering where I'd copied the files/drivers from) under Camera devices for XP.--- because yes, it also works in XP.

If you can't find this driver after this submittal, just put your computer back into the box, take it back to where you bought it, and tell the man/woman behind the counter that you are too ****ing dumb to own a computer and how dare they sell you one (demanding your money back) -- because that's the case after 3 entries and you still can't locate the model/make of this camera's drivers...

~Free advice, via

~The Ace of Spadez

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 13557 05-31-02 22:24 lang/jp/photoalbum.mo 16128 05-31-02 22:24 driver/Win2K-XP-ME/smalbase.sys 1771 05-31-02 22:24 driver/Win2K-XP-ME/smalidt.inf 9216 05-31-02 22:24 driver/Win2K-XP-ME/smalidt.sys 1298432 06-21-02 02:01 flatfoto.exe 32778 05-31-02 22:17 t0402-fw.pack -------- ---- 1371882 6 files

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