12 Mar 2025


Intel Play me2cam Camera Driver

Company: Intel
Model: Play me2cam
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: me2camxp.zip


Intel Play me2cam Driver. Searched and Searched this driver works in XP, Unzip right click my computer, properties Hardware, Device Manager, double click the usb device that is not working, reinstall driver, select install from a list or specific location and browse to the folder you unzipped it to let windows do the rest
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 307200 09-18-01 13:00 XP/VIDCAP32.EXE 38215 09-18-01 13:00 XP/6630ADP.SET 38254 09-18-01 13:00 XP/6630afp.set 36991 09-18-01 13:00 XP/6630P.SET 41262 09-18-01 13:00 XP/7610p.set 41405 09-18-01 13:00 XP/7620aep.set 40625 09-18-01 13:00 XP/7620p.set 40898 09-18-01 13:00 XP/7630p.set 37710 09-18-01 13:00 XP/76BE.SET 40591 09-18-01 13:00 XP/8600p.set 32528 09-18-01 13:00 XP/AMCAP.EXE 65536 09-18-01 13:00 XP/BMPProc.dll 32302 09-18-01 13:00 XP/CUSTOMP.SET 1413 11-05-01 18:37 XP/DriverLanguageMap.xml 9624 06-21-02 12:30 XP/mtcam.inf 135168 09-18-01 13:00 XP/OMCAMCAP.EXE 61440 09-18-01 13:00 XP/OMCAMDIB.DLL 38925 09-18-01 13:00 XP/Omcamext.ax 53248 09-18-01 13:00 XP/omcamext.dll 36864 09-18-01 13:00 XP/omcamsti.dll 241664 09-18-01 13:00 XP/OMCAMTWN.DS 16452 09-18-01 13:00 XP/OMCAMUSD.DLL 167816 09-18-01 13:00 XP/omcamvid.sys 36864 09-18-01 13:00 XP/OMNIUNS.EXE 16505 10-29-01 10:32 XP/ovtcam.cat 24438 09-18-01 13:00 XP/OVTCAMD.SYS 9624 09-18-01 13:00 XP/ovtcamp.inf 42008 09-18-01 13:00 XP/6620p.set -------- ---- 1685570 28 files

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