12 Mar 2025


D-Link Systems DSB-C100 Clear case Camera Driver

Company: D-Link Systems
Model: DSB-C100 Clear case
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: dlink.zip


D-Link Systems DSB-C100 Clear case Driver. This is the actual 3.5" disk content that will enable the button on top of the webcam that will gives still pics (or photos). This file is no longer available on DLINK website. Works on XP pro (i use it).
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 32807 09-18-00 16:47 CUSTOMP.SET 13284 10-09-00 11:24 DLinkCAM.INF 54412 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMCAP.EX_ 35857 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMDIB.DL_ 14301 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMEXT.AX_ 16931 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMEXT.DL_ 79200 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMTWN.DS_ 10689 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMUSD.DL_ 98373 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMVID.NT_ 117397 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMVID.SY_ 16448 09-18-00 13:00 OMNIUNS.EX_ 17528 09-18-00 13:00 OVTCAMD.NT_ 23016 09-18-00 13:00 OVTCAMD.SY_ 154121 09-18-00 13:00 VIDCAP32.EX_ 38213 09-18-00 16:59 76BE.SET 38110 09-18-00 17:10 6620.SET 38092 09-18-00 17:16 6620P.SET 37477 09-18-00 17:15 6630.SET 38703 09-18-00 17:14 6630AD.SET 38671 09-18-00 17:12 6630ADP.SET 37445 09-18-00 17:11 6630P.SET 52957 09-21-00 18:23 7610.SET 52978 09-22-00 11:37 7610P.SET 55064 09-22-00 14:24 7620.SET 55895 09-22-00 12:07 7620AE.SET 53349 09-22-00 12:09 7620AEP.SET 52339 09-22-00 14:19 7620P.SET 45513 09-18-00 16:56 8600.SET 43057 09-18-00 16:55 8600P.SET 15632 09-18-00 13:00 AMCAP.EX_ 35319 09-18-00 16:49 CUSTOM.SET -------- ---- 1413178 31 files

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