12 Mar 2025


Benq Camera Driver

Company: Benq
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: BqDC1500.zip


Benq Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 24396 01-16-03 17:07 data1.hdr 16384 09-16-02 18:08 dll/CustPage.ax 213088 01-16-03 16:12 dll/DSCINF.DLL 131072 09-16-02 18:08 dll/SP5X_32.DLL 14281 11-28-02 14:22 inf/WIN2K/CAMAV.INF 1608 11-28-02 14:28 inf/WIN2K/CAMBULK.INF 14369 11-28-02 14:22 inf/WIN98II/CAMAV.INF 1586 11-28-02 14:29 inf/WIN98II/CAMBULK.INF 1218 09-16-02 18:08 inf/WIN98II/CAMCOMP.INF 1584 11-13-02 11:30 inf/WIN98II/UMSS.INF 14371 11-28-02 14:23 inf/WINME/CAMAV.INF 1582 11-28-02 14:29 inf/WINME/CAMBULK.INF 1347 01-14-03 19:01 inf/WINME/CAMCOMP.INF 14276 12-23-02 17:19 inf/WINXP/CAMAV.INF 1605 11-28-02 14:28 inf/WINXP/CAMBULK.INF 10986 09-16-02 18:08 sys/CamBulk.sys 515365 09-16-02 18:08 sys/VCapture.sys 15744 09-16-02 18:08 sys/usbdsc21.sys 8058 09-16-02 18:08 sys/usbiosc.pdr 1439863 01-16-03 17:07 data1.cab 8114 12-18-02 21:10 cat/dc15av2k.cat 8106 12-18-02 21:10 cat/dc15avxp.cat 7290 12-18-02 21:10 cat/dc15bk2k.cat 7286 12-18-02 21:10 cat/dc15bkxp.cat 512 01-16-03 17:07 data2.cab 344923 09-05-01 18:24 ikernel.ex_ 435 01-16-03 17:07 layout.bin 168448 09-05-01 06:03 Setup.exe 333 01-16-03 17:06 Setup.ini 138144 01-16-03 16:45 Setup.inx -------- ---- 3126374 30 files

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