12 Mar 2025


Plustek OptiCam 300U Camera Driver

Company: Plustek
Model: OptiCam 300U
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 300u_2k.exe


Plustek OptiCam 300U Driver. OptiCam 300U
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 14301 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMEXT.AX_ 35857 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMDIB.DL_ 16931 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMEXT.DL_ 10689 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMUSD.DL_ 79200 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMTWN.DS_ 15632 09-18-00 13:00 AMCAP.EX_ 54412 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMCAP.EX_ 16448 09-18-00 13:00 OMNIUNS.EX_ 154121 09-18-00 13:00 VIDCAP32.EX_ 13334 01-31-01 16:13 OVTCAMP.INF 98373 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMVID.NT_ 17528 09-18-00 13:00 OVTCAMD.NT_ 38110 09-18-00 17:10 6620.SET 38092 09-18-00 17:16 6620P.SET 37477 09-18-00 17:15 6630.SET 38703 09-18-00 17:14 6630AD.SET 38671 09-18-00 17:12 6630ADP.SET 37445 09-18-00 17:11 6630P.SET 52957 09-21-00 18:23 7610.SET 52978 09-22-00 11:37 7610P.SET 55064 09-22-00 14:24 7620.SET 55895 09-22-00 12:07 7620AE.SET 53349 09-22-00 12:09 7620AEP.SET 52339 09-22-00 14:19 7620P.SET 38213 09-18-00 16:59 76BE.SET 45513 09-18-00 16:56 8600.SET 43057 09-18-00 16:55 8600P.SET 35319 09-18-00 16:49 CUSTOM.SET 32807 09-18-00 16:47 CUSTOMP.SET 117397 09-18-00 13:00 OMCAMVID.SY_ 23016 09-18-00 13:00 OVTCAMD.SY_ -------- ---- 1413228 31 files

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