12 Mar 2025


Concord Camera Eye-Q Easy Camera Driver

Company: Concord Camera
Model: Eye-Q Easy
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: easy_drivers.zip


Concord Camera Eye-Q Easy Driver. Manufacturer manual available; see:

http://www.concordcam.com/support/downloads/inst_manual/easy/easy_eng.pdf (English)

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 417476 04-19-02 17:17 se402vc.sys 59904 04-18-02 12:01 AoxSTIAp.exe 36652 04-18-02 12:01 AoxUSD.dll 41964 04-18-02 12:01 EP_CamD.sys 17050 05-01-02 09:46 ep402ref.cat 40 04-19-02 11:15 ep402refcam.id 33792 04-19-02 17:17 epavisrc.ax 182784 04-19-02 17:16 epdxipl.ax 17408 04-18-02 12:02 EPT_engl.dll 20480 04-18-02 12:02 EPT_fren.dll 20480 04-18-02 12:02 EPT_germ.dll 20992 04-18-02 12:02 EPT_ital.dll 14336 04-18-02 12:02 EPT_japa.dll 20480 04-18-02 12:02 EPT_span.dll 233984 04-19-02 17:17 EPTwainU.ds 264 04-19-02 11:15 eptwainu.ini 22528 04-18-02 12:02 epwavdst.ax 182344 04-19-02 17:17 EPWIAMD.dll 26884 04-19-02 17:16 EPWIAUI.dll 77824 04-18-02 12:02 Hydxisp.ax 344923 09-05-01 14:24 IKERNEL.EX_ 417 04-18-02 12:31 LAYOUT.BIN 1569 04-19-02 11:15 se402camera.inf 14405 04-20-02 21:40 se402sc.inf 68324 04-18-02 12:02 se402sc.sys 13523 04-20-02 21:41 se402vc.inf 59904 04-18-02 12:01 aoxamcap.exe 170496 04-18-02 12:02 UNICOWS.DLL -------- ---- 2121227 28 files

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