12 Mar 2025


Vivitar DSC 350 Camera Driver

Company: Vivitar
Model: DSC 350
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: v3550-d350.zip


Vivitar DSC 350 Driver. DSC 350 USB Mass Storage Device Driver

Windows Me/2000/XP users do not require a driver. The camera will be automatically detected as a USB Mass Storage Device with native support offered by Windows. Your camera will appear as a hard drive when connected to your PC.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 31582 10-15-99 04:14 USBCam-1.bmp 75958 08-31-01 06:05 USBCam.bmp 53248 03-23-01 07:40 Raptor2/CnxtMJPG.dll 1632 08-31-01 04:58 Raptor2/RapNTMap_INF 188416 07-18-01 06:27 Raptor2/Rapstill.ds 5377 08-31-01 04:59 Raptor2/RapStill_98_2k_inf 45056 07-12-01 06:48 Raptor2/Rapvid.ds 57280 07-02-01 20:46 Raptor2/Rapvid.sys 4930 08-31-01 04:41 Raptor2/Rapvid_inf 118784 07-12-01 07:11 Raptor2/UnRaptr2_2k.dll 53248 07-12-01 07:11 Raptor2/UnRaptr2_98_me.dll 6160 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/Catroot/MSKSSRV.SYS 4672 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/Catroot/mspclock.sys 5383 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel1/Catroot/NTMAP.CAT 9360 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel1/Catroot/NTMAP.SYS 19760 09-30-99 10:32 Win98Rel1/Catroot/USBSTOR.SYS 9825 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel1/system/Iosubsys/NTMAPHLP.PDR 8704 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSCLOCKF.AX 7168 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSDATA.AX 8192 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSINTERF.AX 87040 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSPROXY.AX 73728 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSTVTUNE.AX 20480 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSUSER.DLL 13312 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSVPINTF.AX 51712 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSWDMCAP.AX 51712 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/KSXBAR.AX 15440 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/VFWWDM.DRV 135168 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/system/VFWWDM32.DLL 41728 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/System32/Drivers/KS.SYS 6160 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/System32/Drivers/MSKSSRV.SYS 4672 05-11-98 12:01 Win98Rel1/System32/Drivers/mspclock.sys 9360 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel1/System32/Drivers/NTMAP.SYS 34480 09-09-99 08:39 Win98Rel1/System32/Drivers/STREAM.SYS 19760 09-30-99 10:32 Win98Rel1/System32/Drivers/USBSTOR.SYS 6304 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/Catroot/MSKSSRV.SYS 4624 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/Catroot/MSPCLOCK.SYS 9360 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/Catroot/NTMAP.SYS 9825 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/Catroot/NTMAPHLP.PDR 19760 09-30-99 10:32 Win98Rel2/Catroot/USBSTOR.SYS 9825 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/Iosubsys/NTMAPHLP.PDR 8704 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSCLOCKF.AX 6656 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSDATA.AX 9216 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSINTERF.AX 126976 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSPROXY.AX 88064 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSTVTUNE.AX 20480 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSUSER.DLL 12800 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSVPINTF.AX 87040 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSWDMCAP.AX 51712 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/KSXBAR.AX 15664 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/VFWWDM.DRV 73728 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/system/VFWWDM32.DLL 98432 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/System32/Drivers/KS.SYS 6304 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/System32/Drivers/MSKSSRV.SYS 4624 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/System32/Drivers/MSPCLOCK.SYS 9360 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/System32/Drivers/NTMAP.SYS 39776 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/System32/Drivers/STREAM.SYS 18912 04-23-99 15:22 Win98Rel2/System32/Drivers/USBD.SYS 19760 09-30-99 10:32 Win98Rel2/System32/Drivers/USBSTOR.SYS 599604 07-18-01 09:11 data1.cab 13950 07-18-01 09:11 data1.hdr 512 07-18-01 09:11 data2.cab 255380 09-19-99 23:42 ikernel.ex_ 422 07-18-01 09:11 layout.bin 34816 07-18-01 07:52 Setup.exe 332 08-31-01 04:44 Setup.ini 118874 07-18-01 09:11 setup.inx -------- ---- 3061283 66 files

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