12 Mar 2025


Other Companies KMC-90 Camera Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: KMC-90
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: kmc90_42348.zip


Other Companies KMC-90 Driver. Windows 98/ME/2000/XP driver for the Kocom KMC-90 usb camera.

Unzip file to a temp folder, read instructions included.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 49152 10-16-02 10:29 amcap.exe 63863 11-05-02 17:46 Config.set 1610779 12-13-02 12:20 Setup.exe 53248 08-22-02 18:02 StillCap.exe 10867 12-12-02 13:03 usbvm31b.cat 8764 12-10-02 15:36 usbvm31b.inf 94098 12-10-02 15:34 usbVM31b.sys 151607 11-04-02 17:09 VM31bPrp.Ax 61440 08-22-02 15:50 VM31bSTI.dll 57344 08-23-02 16:51 VM31bTWN.DS 69632 08-23-02 16:53 VM31bTXP.DS 147456 08-22-02 17:34 VMCap.exe 45056 08-22-02 12:51 VM_STI.EXE 98432 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KS.SYS 8704 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSCLOCKF.AX 6656 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSDATA.AX 9216 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSINTERF.AX 126976 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSPROXY.AX 88064 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSTVTUNE.AX 20480 04-24-99 07:22 win98_2nd/KSUSER.DLL 12800 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSVPINTF.AX 87040 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSWDMCAP.AX 51712 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/KSXBAR.AX 6304 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/MSKSSRV.SYS 4624 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/MSPCLOCK.SYS 39776 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/STREAM.SYS 15664 04-24-99 08:22 win98_2nd/VFWWDM.DRV 73728 04-20-00 19:52 win98_2nd/VFWWDM32.DLL 65536 05-05-99 23:22 win98_2nd/IYUV_32.DLL 41728 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KS.SYS 8704 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSCLOCKF.AX 7168 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSDATA.AX 8192 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSINTERF.AX 87040 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSPROXY.AX 73728 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSTVTUNE.AX 20480 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSUSER.DLL 13312 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSVPINTF.AX 51712 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSWDMCAP.AX 51712 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/KSXBAR.AX 6160 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/MSKSSRV.SYS 4672 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/MSPCLOCK.SYS 34480 09-10-99 01:39 win98_1st/STREAM.SYS 15440 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/VFWWDM.DRV 135168 05-12-98 05:01 win98_1st/VFWWDM32.DLL 65536 05-05-99 23:22 win98_1st/IYUV_32.DLL -------- ---- 3764250 45 files

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