28 Feb 2025


IBM PC/Net Camera - INF version Camera Driver

Company: IBM
Model: PC/Net Camera - INF version
Operating System: Windows NT 4.0 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: IBMPCCamera-INF.rar


IBM PC/Net Camera - INF version Driver. This is the product of hours of frustration and tracking-down of files. The setup program for the IBM-provided driver failed to launch on my computer (would start but never show any windows, basically just hanging before it even started). So I would basically be unable to install the driver at all. I took the setup CAB files and extracted all these files, then modified the INF file to copy the necessary files.

So this is basically an INF version of the IBM drivers, installable as long as you know how to use the Found New Hardware dialog.

How to install:

1) Extract the files in this archive (RAR format, use WinRAR for your ZIP and RAR needs - www.rarlabs.com) to a folder, preferrably a folder on your desktop.

2) Plug in the camera.

3) When the Found New Hardware dialog appears, tell it not to look online, and to select a driver from a specific location (no automatic search).

4) Click the specific location checkbox (I don't have it in front of me, so...). Browse for the folder you extracted it to.

5) Click OK, and Next. When it shows the "Unsigned driver" warning, you know it's working right (that's a GOOD window for ANY hardware device).

Now it's installed! It doesn't come with any of IBM's silly "Press This For Internet"-style software, but the camera works as it was designed in any other camera-enabled program such as MSN Messenger, VirtualDub, etc.

Enjoy! And be sure to leave a comment :)

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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