12 Mar 2025


Meta Media SN9C102P SN9C105 SN9C120 Camera Driver

Company: Meta Media
Model: SN9C102P SN9C105 SN9C120
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SN9C102P-105-120.exe


Meta Media SN9C102P SN9C105 SN9C120 Driver. This driver is a RaR self extracting exe, press the install button to extract the files to the current folder where you save SN9C102P-105-120.exe. You then need to plug in the Camera, and update the driver in Device Manager(will come up as a ? Device), using the path of where the files were extracted to do the update.

People have been looking for a driver for Wise WDC-1130 Web Cam to no avail because this is a rebadged camera, it's actually made by Meta Media Inc.

Link: http://www.mmedia.com.tw/english/index_eng.htm

This driver was made from the original installation CD that only contained a setup.exe that installed the driver, as well as all the garbage apps it came with. I've repackaged it with just the USB/Twain driver.

This driver has only been tested with Windows XP! Be warned I haven't tested with Win9X, but according to the driver info it should work.

Supports the following webcams in the driver:

Device ID Product ID Model

0c45 PID_6040 SN9C102P + MI0360

0c45 PID_607a SN9C102P + OV7648

0c45 PID_607c SN9C102P + HV7131R

0c45 PID_607e SN9C102P + OV7630

0c45 PID_6070 SN9C102P + PAS202

0c45 PID_60c0&MI_00 SN9C105 + MI0360

0c45 PID_60fa&MI_00 SN9C105 + OV7648

0c45 PID_60fc&MI_00 SN9C105 + HV7131R

0c45 PID_60fe&MI_00 SN9C105 + OV7630

0c45 PID_60f0&MI_00 SN9C105 + PAS202

0c45 PID_6130 SN9C120 + MI0360

0c45 PID_613a SN9C120 + OV7648

0c45 PID_613c SN9C120 + HV7131R

0c45 PID_613e SN9C120 + OV7630


File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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