12 Mar 2025


Phillips F5U131 Camera Driver

Company: Phillips
Model: F5U131
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: F5U131.zip


Phillips F5U131 Driver. Hey Guys,

Find The Driver Here. Use "CamCoA20.inf" file for Installation as This model also have an inbulit microphone. This model was not a public release and was intended to be supplied to OEM. I found it been supplied to IBM who subsequently supplied it to Reliance Infocomm. Since There was no copywright info i, have uploaded it. One of you is right that you can not buy this cam in market if You found it it India, chances are you got one stolen from Reliance Infocomm. This Also have a Support CD but I dont have one. Driver works allright anyways but for Tweek you might need a 3rd parity application. If you are manufacturor of this driver, let me make you very clear. first I have no responciblity or whatsoever by publishing this driver. This is because a number of people were looking for this driver and I believe that they have bought it 2nd hand legally from some body and they deserve to have the driver. also there was no copyright info in driver files. If you want this driver to be removed, ask driverguide and not me. I submitted this driver to help general public and it did not returns me any profit.



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